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As I read about Jesus sending out the 12 disciples this morning. It struck me there was a lot to the story we don’t often think about. For starters, Jesus didn’t send out the disciples alone, he sent them in twos. There is a lot of power in doing difficult things with a partner. A great example of this is marriage. While marriage can be difficult at times, having a partner to go through all of life’s joys, difficulties, and struggles is invaluable. The same applies for Jesus’ instructions around sending his disciples in twos. We need to keep in mind that the disciples were still pretty new to Jesus’ teachings. Jesus gave them a lot of power and instruction on how to deal with those they encountered. By going out and having the support of another made their trip possible. Jesus sent them out with nothing more than the clothes on their back and the tunics on their head. He told them if the people of the town or the village they encountered realized the disciple’s worth, then all of their needs would be supplied for them. However, if the people of the town or village did not see their value then they were to “shake the dust off of their feet” from that town and move on.

As a side note, the act of shaking off the dust from their feet is something the Jews did when they left a gentile or Samaritan town. It was a symbol of separating themselves from those who were not like them. Jesus used this symbolism to instruct the disciples to separate themselves from those who did not accept their teachings, miracles, and healing given to them from Jesus. As I read this, I realized there is a sub-lesson to what Jesus was trying to tell them, and it struck me that there are times I am around people who do not fully accept me. This often bothers me and causes me to either be sad or angry, or in some cases overcompensate to try to make them accept who I am. The reality is God created me and there is nothing lacking in his creation (not talking perfection here, just that God created me for a purpose). If someone doesn’t accept me, instead of being upset or trying to become someone I am not, I need to learn to “shake the dust off my feet” and move on with no ill feelings or feelings of inadequacy.

And since this is Valentine’s Day, it is a good reminder that God created my wife to be my partner and the one who loves me and accepts me just as I am, even with all my imperfections (and there are many!). As we do life together, I need to remind myself that I am not alone, I am with the person who God created to walk with me in all of life’s joys, hardships, and adventures. There is no one I need more than the partner He created for me. For those who aren’t married, keep in mind that a partner does not need to be a spouse. It could be a friend, it could be a colleague, or it could be someone we turn to when we need a helping hand. God will rarely leave us alone if we are willing to open ourselves to the people God puts in our paths.